Use of multimedia tool for self-learning: A case study and students' response

Robert Yu Liang Ting, Huang Bo-Ji, Cheng Yi-Wei, Fang Wei Hsu

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章


The recent development of information and communication technology enriches the life of people. Especailly today's students use these technology tools in their life for their leisure and enjoyment. Their knowledge and skill of these technology tools maybe a unique resource for facilitating their learning, a technology-mediated-learning. This study takes a preliminary step to have a project, in which students are asked to use multimedia tools to understand a engineering equipment. This study tries to understand students' response and their work on using multimedia tool to self-make a multimedia homework. Their work and their response are evaluated. The result shows the value of multimedia tool and positive response, and support the proposal that students may use nowadays multimedia tool to self-learn basic engineering knowledge and skill. This study provides an original view of multimedia tools in teaching and learning, and hopes to stimulate school teachers to provide diverse learning environment to suit the different learning needs of today's students.

主出版物標題2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings
出版狀態已發佈 - 2011
事件2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - XianNing, 中国
持續時間: 2011 4月 162011 4月 18


名字2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings


其他2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 電腦網路與通信
  • 電氣與電子工程


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