原文 | 英語 |
頁(從 - 到) | 310-335 |
頁數 | 26 |
期刊 | J. Immersion Content-Based Lang. Edu. |
卷 | 9 |
發行號 | 2 |
DOIs | |
出版狀態 | 已發佈 - 2021 |
深入研究「CLIL as a balance for female–male differences? The effect of CLIL on student writing outcomes: Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。引用此
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於: J. Immersion Content-Based Lang. Edu., 卷 9, 編號 2, 2021, p. 310-335.
研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
T1 - CLIL as a balance for female–male differences? The effect of CLIL on student writing outcomes
T2 - Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education
AU - Graham, K.M.
AU - Kim, H.
AU - Choi, Y.
AU - Eslami, Z.R.
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PY - 2021
Y1 - 2021
N2 - This study examines female–male differences in English writing outcomes for Taiwanese primary school learners enrolled in a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) program. Narrative and expository writing samples of 212 primary school students (Male=103, Female=109) in Taiwan were collected and scored using several measures including spelling accuracy, correct word sequences, lexical diversity, total t-units, and a holistic rubric for ideas. Students’ topic interest was also measured through a Likert-scale survey. The findings revealed differences between females and males and the two genres of writing. While there were statistical differences attributed to gender and topic interest variables for some writing measures, further analysis revealed that these effects were minimal in terms of practical significance. The paper raises questions about the relationship between female–male writing differences and CLIL and provides suggestions for future research to broaden our understanding and support diversity in the CLIL classroom. © John Benjamins Publishing Company
AB - This study examines female–male differences in English writing outcomes for Taiwanese primary school learners enrolled in a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) program. Narrative and expository writing samples of 212 primary school students (Male=103, Female=109) in Taiwan were collected and scored using several measures including spelling accuracy, correct word sequences, lexical diversity, total t-units, and a holistic rubric for ideas. Students’ topic interest was also measured through a Likert-scale survey. The findings revealed differences between females and males and the two genres of writing. While there were statistical differences attributed to gender and topic interest variables for some writing measures, further analysis revealed that these effects were minimal in terms of practical significance. The paper raises questions about the relationship between female–male writing differences and CLIL and provides suggestions for future research to broaden our understanding and support diversity in the CLIL classroom. © John Benjamins Publishing Company
KW - Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
KW - Elementary education
KW - English as a foreign language
KW - Gender differences
KW - Writing
U2 - 10.1075/jicb.20007.gra
DO - 10.1075/jicb.20007.gra
M3 - Article
SN - 2212-8433
VL - 9
SP - 310
EP - 335
JO - J. Immersion Content-Based Lang. Edu.
JF - J. Immersion Content-Based Lang. Edu.
IS - 2
ER -