Cagriculture landscape planning based on biotop area factor in Yunlin, Taiwan

Su Hsin Lee*, Jing Shoung Hou


研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Agriculture has been the primary industry in Yunlin area for hundreds years. It contributes to industrial and living landscape which continuously represents vivid cultural landscape of the area. The strategies of landscape planning in Yunlin area not only emphasis on improving landscape and environment, but also focus on sustaining agricultural culture through landscape planning. In addition, ecological consideration and adapt-for-environment land use guidelines should be applied for local environmental development in order to meet the goal of sustainable environment planning. In this case, Yunlin area's local industries and economy can continuously develop in the process of landscape improvement considering social, economic, and ecological dimensions. The strategies demonstrate the concept of green infrastructure (G.I.). Therefore, this study uses biotope area factor (BAF) to analyse environmental resource of Yunlin area in order to contribute to agricultural landscape planning. The results show: 1)Yunlin area can be categorised into different sub-area of land use according to BAF. The categories include agriculture land, forest land, transportation land, water conservancy land, building land, public infrastructure land, recreation and leisure land, mining land, and the land for other use. 2)The calculated BAF value of Yunlin area is 0.6 which shows large proportion of green space. 3)The major landscape development strategy is increasing BAF value. This could be achieved by infrastructure development strategies of Public land and the expected BAF value would be 0.8.

主出版物標題32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2011, ACRS 2011
出版狀態已發佈 - 2011
事件32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2011, ACRS 2011 - Tapei, 臺灣
持續時間: 2011 10月 32011 10月 7


名字32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2011, ACRS 2011


其他32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2011, ACRS 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 電腦網路與通信


深入研究「Cagriculture landscape planning based on biotop area factor in Yunlin, Taiwan」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
