Bridging the Gap - On a Humanoid Robotics Rookie League

Reinhard Gerndt*, Maike Paetzel, Jacky Baltes, Olivier Ly


研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章


The 2050 robot-human soccer game is among the most prominent goals of RoboCup. All RoboCup leagues contribute to this goal, for example the Simulation Leagues with research on strategic game play, the Standard Platform League with stable walking and vision algorithms and the Humanoid League with mechatronics of bipedal robots. However, especially in the Humanoid League, the swift improvement in performance of the robots makes it significantly harder for newcomers to enter into this field of research. With robots increasing in size, with new challenges in mechatronics for bipedal robots and software increasing in complexity, the gap for new teams is widening on the course to the 2050 game. There have been many approaches to easy entry, such as the introduction of a two-league system in the Standard Platform (SPL) and Small Size League (SSL) or an ‘educational challenge’ at regional @home events. While the SPL and SSL approaches require fully developed hard- and software in order to compete, as the @home challenge, we propose an entry-level league with a reduced set of requirements to bridge the gap between the Junior level and advanced Humanoid League. We believe that the Humanoid League can only reach the 2050 goal if new researchers and universities can be attracted on a regular basis. Attracting new researchers requires an easy entry path for new teams, suitable for undergraduate students and universities with a limited budget. The ‘Humanoid Rookie (Sub-) League’ (HRL) will give new researchers and teams the time to gather experience and funds that are necessary to successfully participate in and contribute to the Humanoid League’s development towards the 2050 game. This paper intends to spark discussion about the current state and the roadmap of the Humanoid League within the RoboCup community.

主出版物標題RoboCup 2018
主出版物子標題Robot World Cup XXII
編輯Dirk Holz, Katie Genter, Maarouf Saad, Oskar von Stryk
發行者Springer Verlag
出版狀態已發佈 - 2019
事件22nd RoboCup International Competition and Symposium, RoboCup 2018 - Montréal, 加拿大
持續時間: 2018 6月 182018 6月 22


名字Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
11374 LNAI


會議22nd RoboCup International Competition and Symposium, RoboCup 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 理論電腦科學
  • 一般電腦科學


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