A VNS-based hyper-heuristic with adaptive computational budget of local search

Ping Che Hsiao*, Tsung Che Chiang, Li Chen Fu


研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章

31 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Hyper-heuristics solve problems by manipulating low-level domain-specific heuristics. The aim is to raise the level of generality of the algorithm to solve problems in different domains. In this paper we propose a hyper-heuristic based on Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), which consists of two main steps: shaking and local search. Shaking disturbs solutions, and then local search seeks for the local optima. In our algorithm, we propose a mechanism to adjust the computational budget of local search periodically based on the search status. We also use a dynamically-sized population to store good solutions during the search process. Performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with four benchmark algorithms by four kinds of problems, Max-SAT, bin packing, flow shop scheduling, and personnel scheduling. Our algorithm finds the best solutions for around 90% of the tested instances.

主出版物標題2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012
出版狀態已發佈 - 2012
事件2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012 - Brisbane, QLD, 澳大利亚
持續時間: 2012 6月 102012 6月 15


名字2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012


其他2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012
城市Brisbane, QLD

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 計算機理論與數學
  • 理論電腦科學


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