A contrastive study of E-book and paper-book reading behaviors: The case of the JinYong Reader

Wan Hsin Lee, Jenn Yeu Chen

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Contrasting with paper-book, E-book has the advantage of taking great amount of information and the accessibility of hyper link. According to the researches which compared the reading behaviors on paper-book to screen, reading on different media cause different reading behaviors (Dillon, 1992; Noyes & Garland, 2008) [1] [2]. E-book reader is going to integrate the advantages of paper-book and e-book to become a main vehicle of knowledge. Our study take JinYong reader for example, hypothesize that e-book reader would cause different behaviors from paper-book. And if e-book reader would become the main vehicle of knowledge in the future, then it must have equivalent legibility and usability to paper-book. Experiment 1 is a usability test. We recruited the users who take a lot of time on reading to test the function of JinYong Reader, for example, basic operation, highlighting, note taking, and dictionary. The users took mental workload and usability questionnaires after each task. The results show JinYong Reader's slow reaction time, unclear feedback, ease of crash, and ambiguous navigation. We make suggestion for lower crash rate, simplifying the corresponding of button and function, and reducing finger shelter in the discussion. Experiment 2 asked users to read novels separately on e-book reader and paper-book in natural condition, compared their reading behaviors on paper-book to JinYong Reader. The users accepted subjective visual fatigue scale, NASA-TLX mental workload scale, and reading comprehension tests after reading. The result shows the difference on reading speed and subjective visual fatigue between paper-book and JinYong Reader is significant. According to our results, the usability and legibility of paper-book is still better than e-book reader. However, e-book reader provide hyper link and is more convenient to carry information. Also, the disadvantage of JinYong reader does not always happen on the other e-book readers. With the high development of technology, the traditional Chinese e-book reader's evolution is still in prospect.

主出版物標題ICOT 2013 - 1st International Conference on Orange Technologies
出版狀態已發佈 - 2013
事件1st International Conference on Orange Technologies, ICOT 2013 - Tainan, 臺灣
持續時間: 2013 3月 122013 3月 16


名字ICOT 2013 - 1st International Conference on Orange Technologies


其他1st International Conference on Orange Technologies, ICOT 2013

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 電腦網路與通信


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