Gene trees of maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference and the morphological measurements of Aegista diversifamilia sp. n. and Aegista subchinensis.: Explanation note: Figure S1. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of mitochondrial COI gene. Branch support confidences are shown in bootstrap and approximate likelihood-ratio test. Figure S2. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of mitochondrial 16S gene. Branch support confidences are shown in bootstrap and approximate likelihood-ratio test. Figure S3. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of nuclear ITS2 gene. Branch support confidences are shown in bootstrap and approximate likelihood-ratio test. Figure S4. Bayesian phylogeny of mitochondrial COI gene. Figure S5. Bayesian phylogeny of mitochondrial 16S gene. Figure S6. Bayesian phylogeny of nuclear ITS2 gene. Table S1. Morphological measurements of Aegista diversifamilia sp. n. and Aegista subchinensis.