FIGURE 1 in Revision of Pazala Moore, 1888: The Graphium (Pazala) alebion and G. (P.) tamerlanus Groups, with Notes on Taxonomic and Distribution Confusions (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

  • Hui Hong Zhang (Contributor)
  • Adam M. Cotton (Contributor)
  • Fabien L. Condamine (Contributor)
  • Rong Jiang Wang (Contributor)
  • Yu-Feng Hsu (Contributor)
  • Kuang Duan (Contributor)
  • Xin Zhang (Contributor)
  • Shao Ji Hu (Contributor)



FIGURE 1. The Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the Graphium (Pazala) alebion and G. (P.) tamerlanus groups, with Iphiclides podalirius and Lamproptera meges as outgroup. Coloured rectangles delineate the species and subspecies of the two groups. Values at nodes indicate the posterior probability.
可用日期2020 4月 1
