Planktonic foraminifera, Globigerinoides sacculifer, oxygen isotope stratigraphy of ODP Hole 1115B during the past 3.2 Ma, age model tie points and sedimentation rates.
Chuang, C. K., Lo, L., Zeeden, C., Chou, Y. M., Wei, K. Y., Shen, C. C., Mii, H. S., Chang, Y. P. & Tung, Y. H., 2018 10月, 於: Marine Micropaleontology.144, p. 25-3713 p.
Chuang, C. (Contributor), Lo, L. (Contributor), Zeeden, C. (Contributor), Chou, Y. (Contributor), Wei, K. (Contributor), Shen, C. (Contributor), Mii, H. (Contributor), Chang, Y. (Contributor), Tung, Y. (Contributor) (2018 10月 17). Data for: Integrated stratigraphy of ODP Site 1115 (Solomon Sea, southwestern equatorial Pacific) over the past 3.2 Ma. Unknown Publisher. 10.17632/43mdzppngh.1