Work statistics for quantum spin chains: Characterizing quantum phase transitions, benchmarking time evolution, and examining passivity of quantum states

Feng Li Lin, Ching Yu Huang

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We study three aspects of work statistics in the context of the fluctuation theorem for quantum spin chains up to 1024 sites by numerical methods based on matrix-product states (MPSs). First, we use our numerical method to evaluate the moments/cumulants of work done by the sudden quench process on the Ising or Haldane spin chains, and we study their behaviors across the quantum phase transitions. Our results show that, up to the fourth cumulant, the work statistics can indicate the quantum phase transition characterized by the local order parameters but barely for purely topological phase transitions. Second, we propose to use the fluctuation theorem, such as Jarzynski's equality, which relates the real-time correlator to the ratio of the thermal partition functions, as a benchmark indicator for the numerical real-time evolving methods. Third, we study the passivity of ground and thermal states of quantum spin chains under some cyclic impulse processes. We show that the passivity of thermal states and ground states under the Hermitian actions is ensured by the second laws and variational principles, respectively, and we also verify this by numerical calculations. In addition, we also consider the passivity of ground states under non-Hermitian actions, for which the variational principle cannot be applied. Despite that, we find no violation of passivity from our numerical results for all the cases considered in the Ising and Haldane chains. Overall, we demonstrate that the work statistics for the sudden quench and impulse processes can be evaluated precisely by the numerical MPS method to characterize quantum phase transitions and examine the passivity of quantum states. We also propose to exploit the universality of the fluctuation theorem to benchmark the numerical real-time evolutions in an algorithmic and model-independent way.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023169
JournalPhysical Review Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2024 Apr

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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