The article aims to introduce the NPDL framework and strategies and emphasizes the change of system and culture. Currently, there are 22 Taiwanese high schools participating in the NPDL program. These 22 schools formed the Taiwan NPDL inter-school alliance to jointly organize book clubs, workshops, international seminars, and regularly participate in NPDL global and Asia-Pacific regional conferences, conduct online exchanges with participating schools and teachers from other countries, and gradually establish international cooperation relationships. These schools are able to assemble educational-reform toolkits, and develop common language and strategies to achieve the goals of curriculum transformation. The NPDL framework intentionally integrates global competencies into the learning process. It accentuates the participation of teachers, parents, and students. The learning purpose of joining this global partnership is to participate in and to change the world, to support students in developing capabilities to solve problems in the real world. The framework of NPDL can be regarded as toolkits as well as a whole-system view of reform. It enacts policy and systemic change simultaneously. It enhances capacity building, accumulates organizational memories and actionable knowledge. The whole-system reform contains the potentials of collaboration generated by the horizontal collaboration and vertical system. Through multi-level boundary crossing in NPDL networking, the participant-schools can effectively deploy data-driven feedback in comprehending and evaluating the practices, and take part in co-moderating process. The cycle of collective inquiry and reflection will sustain the deep transformation of systemic and cultural practices in education.
- boundary object
- deep learning
- toolkits
- curriculum transformation