Leaky property of the Dyakonov-like wave at the surface of a semi-infinite metal-dielectric multilayered structure

Pi Kuei Shih, Hui Hsin Hsiao, Hung Chun Chang*

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We investigate the Dyakonov-like surface wave (DLSW) at the interface of a dielectric and a metal-dielectric multilayered (MDM) structure when this MDM structure serves as an elliptic medium according to the e ective medium approximation (EMA). Di erent from the conventional Dyakonov surface waves, we find that this kind of DLSW possesses an unexpected leaky property due to an additional hyperbolic-like wave in the MDM structure, resulting in a significant increase of propagation loss compared to the results estimated by a simple e ective model based on the EMA. Moreover, such leaky property is found to be sensitive to the period of the MDM structure. Thus, to diminish this non-negligible leaky loss, one can suppress the amplitude of the leaky component by designing the MDM structure with a smaller period. On the other hand, as the MDM structure sometimes can also support an additional elliptic-like dispersion when it is regarded as a hyperbolic medium, we discuss this condition for completeness. Based on this elliptic-like dispersion, an apparent leaky property is observed in the resultant DLSW. This DLSW propagates with a wider range of propagation direction but su ers from a poor field confinement to the interface it is propagating along.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15559-15569
Number of pages11
JournalOptics Express
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2018 Jun 11
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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