Applying MODIS and landsat images for evaluating urban cool Island effect

Yu Qi Lin, Tzu Heng Chou, Sendo Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Both MODIS and Landsat 8 provide the land surface temperature (LST) images, but their images areslightly different both in the spatial resolution and in the calculation of LST. The MODIS retrieves LST from thermalinfrared response at the spatial resolution of 1 kilometer, whereas the Landsat 8 images retrieve LST from band 10and 11 thermal infrared response with the spatial resolution of 30 meters. These differences are the focus of this paperand are evaluated in the process of finding urban cool islands (UCI). Taipei City is selected as our research area. Theheat generated from high-rise buildings and artificial impervious surfaces in Taipei results in the urban heat islands.Yet, there are also several urban parks with high-density vegetation coverage where can cool down the surfacetemperature of the city. Thus, we expect to acquire large-scale LST by multi-temporal MODIS and Landsat 8 images,considering the relationship between the green area in downtown and the spatial resolution of images, and assessinghow large the green area may result in the UCI. Finally, we also use the temperature actually measured by the groundweather station for validation, analyzing whether both of two images can be used to evaluate the UCI effect.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing Enabling Prosperity, ACRS 2018 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 2018 Oct 152018 Oct 19


Conference39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing Enabling Prosperity, ACRS 2018
CityKuala Lumpur


  • Land Surface Temperature (LST
  • Landsat 8
  • Urban Cool Island (UCI)

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Science Applications
  • Information Systems
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Computer Networks and Communications


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