
石 翔至, 蔡 正中(Cheng-Chung Tsai), 相 子元(Tzyy-Yuang Shiang)

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Purpose: To investigate the effect of balance control on varied ankle plantar flexion angles. Methods: Thirty young athletes (age 24.3 ± 3.7 years old) were invited into this study.Three-dimensional force plate (AMTI, Co) associated with center of pressure analysis software (Bioware for AMTI) were used. Linear regression model was used to exam the statistical relationship between two investigated parameters that included body sway angle, recovery time of balance control, and ankle plantar flexion angles. Pearson correlation coefficient was used with significant level a = .05. Results: Results showed significant tendency between parameter of ankle plantar flexion angle and body sway angle. Increase of ankle plantar flexion angle caused increase of body sway angle (y = 2.10+ .048x, r = .83 p < .05). Additionally, result also showed that significant tendency between parameter of ankle plantar flexion angle and recovery time of balance control. Data demonstrated that increase of ankle plantar flexion angle caused increase of recovery time of balance control (y = 1.58+ .015x, r = .87, p < .05). Conclusions: Although high heel in sport shoes has biomechanical consideration for relief impact loading, this might decrease ability of balance control in athlete. This is based on evidence showing that large ankle plantar flexion angle significantly increases body sway angle and recovery time of resume balance control.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)13-18
Number of pages6
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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