
劉 強, 江 昆達(Kun-Da Chiang), 龔 榮堂(Jung-Tang Kung), 相 子元(Tzzy-Yuang Shiang), 吳 健龍(Chien-Long Wu)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: According to literature review, there are some factors that result in pitching quality such as pitching mass, pitching velocity, ball flying trajectory. In order to evident this hypothesis, we set up two experiments. The purpose of first experiment was to investigate impact force between heavy-and light-pitching quality pitchers. Another purpose was to exam middle velocity, ending velocity, flying trajectory at swing area between different pitching quality pitchers. Method: In first experiment, two pitchers with different pitching quality pitched ball to a force plate from 10, 12, 14 meters away. In second experiment, 2000Hz high speed camera was used to record flying trajectory from two members of national baseball team during 2006 intercontinental cup. Results: The results shown that the impact force were not significant difference among heavy-and light-pitching quality pitchers (p>.05). Light-pitching quality pitcher has lower velocity decreased. However, Heavy-pitching quality pitcher has bigger change flying trajectory. Conclusion: The results suggest that pitching quality is consider as change of ending velocity and fly trajectory.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)57-64
Number of pages8
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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