
Project: Government MinistryMinistry of Science and Technology

Project Details


Graphene related heterostructures, enhanced magnetic anisotropy by Ag capping layers, surface alloy formation and related applications, enhancing silicide formation by Ag-Si particles, composites containing 2D materials, and ultrathin rubrene bilayers have been investigated under the support from this project. The main scientific outputs of this project are as follows. (1) After annealing treatments for Co/Gr/Ir(111), intercalation of Co is formed and shows a strong spin-orbital interaction. Magnetic properties of this graphene related heterostructure can be tuned by the introduction of a polarized interface and shows possibly novel applications in spintronics. For Co on Gr/Cu, multiple steps of the hysteresis loop are observed. This phenomenon is due to the different magnetic anisotropies and show applications in spintronic switches. (2) We explored the use of Ag ultrathin overlayers on annealed Ni/ -Ag/Si(111). A method for preparing magnetic layers with different levels of enhanced magnetic anisotropy energy was developed. The method essentially involves simply modifying the contact area of the metallic/magnetic interface. A model permits an understanding of the contact area and a strategy for enhancing the magnetic anisotropy energy and the coercive force was developed. Our approaches and the developed model promise to be helpful in terms of developing potential applications of ultrathin magnetic layers in the area of spintronics. (3) A review paper is published in Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry, Surface Science and Electrochemistry. In this review, the kinetics of surface alloy formations as well as related applications are reviewed. The determinations of energy barriers for surface atoms in the alloying processes are discussed. Examples of applications include the semiconductor industry, magnetic recordings, heterogeneous catalysis, and energy production. (4) Assuming that a Ni layer is formed over a NiSi layer with the total coverage as a constraint, we established a chemical shift-related concentration model that, in effect, represents a practical method for determining the amount of ultrathin Ni silicides that are produced at the buried interface. The formation of Ag-Si particles provide a viable strategy for enhancing silicide formation via a specific interaction transfer mechanism, even at room temperature. We have achieved the goal of this project as revealed in the proposal. Parts of the results have been published in SCI journals, book chapter, or in preparation procedure. We appreciate the supports from Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, ROC.
Effective start/end date2017/08/012018/07/31


  • graphene
  • interfacial structures and magnetic properties
  • ultrahigh vacuum
  • electrolyte/solid interface
  • enhanced magnetic anisotropy
  • surface alloy formation
  • rubrene heterostructures
  • surface science experiments.


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