
Project: Government MinistryMinistry of Science and Technology

Project Details


Beside the commonly used knowledge introduction, scientific logical reasoning is another important issue of scientific popularization or education. However, logical reasoning cannot be taught by demonstration but only through experiencing research activities. The purpose of this project is to promote high school and university students in Taiwan for their capabilities on scientific researches and discussions. With the financial support from the Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation, The“Taiwan Young Physicists’ Tournament” (TYPT) is held annually since 2010 by the Department of Physics of the National Taiwan Normal University. The five most outstanding participants in the tournament are chosen to form the national team, which will take part in the subsequent event of “International Young Physicists’ Tournament” (IYPT) during summer vacation of the same year. To further extend the influence of these activities to undergraduate students and greater student community, series of activities through the whole year are developed. The activities include “Cross Straight Student Physicists’ Tournament” in January, TYPT in March, “Physicists’ Tournament in Chinese” in late May, and TCPT in October. The series of tournaments provide plenty interaction opportunities for participants and links universities and high schools together for further collaboration. Since the games require oral presentation and face-to-face discussion, students will acquire not only the capability to execute an research task but also the physics sensitivity. By these activities, we hope to establish connections with the science education communities in other countries to improve the science education in Taiwan. With the IYPT training teachers, collaborated universities, a training plate form is built with the newly forming networks between high school teachers. We hope to enhance the researching and discussion atmosphere in students, as well as the team work spirit and communication capabilities.
Effective start/end date2017/08/012018/10/31


  • Young physicists tournament
  • physics education
  • scientific literacy
  • scientific logic
  • college Students
  • high school students


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