「再造僑鄉」中的跨境/跨國網絡、記憶政治及地方策略: 金門與廈門海滄的比較研究(1980年代迄今)

Project: Government MinistryMinistry of Science and Technology

Project Details


Since the 18th century, many young people in south Fujiang migrated to some port cities of Southeast Asia and Nagasaki, Kobe, Japan. They searched for work and transplanted the folk culture abroad and then the overseas Chinese developed multicultural tangible or intangible culture in the strange lands. Simultaneously, several lucky men became rich and remitted money to their hometown to take care for the family or build mansions. Sometimes, they invested public affairs including charity, education and industrial development. The overseas Chinese should be the key force in social modernization in the overseas Chinese hometown. There are two typical cases in south Fujiang, Quemoy(also named Kinmen, Jinmen)and Hiacang, Xiamen. The former emigrant moved to Singapore, Brunei and Klang Selangor, Malaysia. The latter emigrant mainly migrated to Penang, Malaysia. From 1949 to now, Quemoy and Xiamen have quite different historical process. Quemoy pass through Cold War Island, national park and one of harbor connecting China. Xiamen, a frontline, also turn into special economic zone. In recent 30 years, both of two places try to reconnect translocal/translation network and make use of the overseas political, economic and cultural power to help their development in different ways. The project will analyze the project of “Remaking the Hometown of the Overseas Chinese” of comparative studies for Quemoy and Hiacang, Xiamen from the 1980s to now, especially focus on plans of political-economic, social-cultural and spatial development. First, we discuss the formation of translocal/ transnational network between the hometown and the abroad. And then try to analyze how to recall the collective memories for the overseas Chinese society in post-Cold War period and let it become a new social capital. Finally, we will compare Quemoy with Hiacang, Xiamen in the Project of “Remaking the Hometown of the Overseas Chinese”, and I will point out the project as a memory politics how to become a local strategy for the practice of Chinese globalization.
Effective start/end date2018/08/012019/07/31


  • Translocal Chinese、Min-nan Culture(South Fujiang Culture)、Social-Cultural History
  • Studies of the Overseas Chinese
  • Quemoy(Jinmen
  • Kinmen)
  • Amoy(Xiamen)


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