FIGURES 1–18. 1–3. Ampittia matudai Murayama, 1943 in The types of skippers described by Shu-Iti Murayama (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)

  • Hideyuki Chiba (Contributor)
  • Hiroshi Tsukiyama (Contributor)
  • Jia Yuan Liang (Contributor)
  • Shou Ming Wang (Contributor)
  • Zong Yu Shen (Contributor)
  • Yu-Feng Hsu (Contributor)



FIGURES 1–18. 1–3. Ampittia matudai Murayama, 1943, holotype; 4–6. Erynnis montanus neomontanus Murayama & Yoshisaka, 1959, holotype; 7–9. Ochlodes siva yuchingkina Murayama & Shimonoya, 1962, holotype; 10–12. Aeromachus bandaishanus Murayama & Shimonoya, 1968, holotype; 13–15. Pseudocoladenia pinsbukana Shimonoya & Murayama, 1976, holotype; 16–18. Polytremis zina taiwana Murayama, 1981, holotype. Scale bar = 1 cm.
Date made available2020 Jun 18

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