Figs. 9–15 in The Newly Recorded Fern-spore Feeding Moths in the Genus , Meyrick 1889 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from Taiwan, with Notes on Life History of Three Species.



Figs. 9–15. Adult specimens and genitalia of Calicotis rotundinidus. 9–10, Male specimen, TAIWAN: Hulian, Shioulin, Gekou; 11–12, Female specimen, TAIWAN: New Taipei City, Wulai, Bauching temple; 13–14, Male genitalia; 15, Female genitalia. Scale bars: 9–12 = 5 mm; 13–14 = 1 mm; 15 = 1 mm.
Date made available2022 Nov 25

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